solutions for Human Rights & Business

Creating a future where everyone’s human  rights are respected

Human rights in the business context are key for the business of tomorrow and for the transition to a sustainable economy. 

Understanding and addressing human rights risks?

Are you aware of all the risks in your supply chain?

How can you demonstrate your commitment to human rights compliance, particularly under current and forthcoming EU legislation?

What steps should you take if your company faces accusations of negative impact in the media?

Is your company ready to advance to the next level of human rights due diligence? 

At HumanRights@Work we specialize in helping businesses identify, address, and mitigate human rights risks throughout their value chains and operations. Our comprehensive services ensure your company not only meets legal requirements of human rights due diligence as determined by EU legislation (includingthe CSRD, or the CSDDD) but also leads with integrity and responsibility. 

human rights consultant consultancy netherlands amsterdam

We are a partner for the Netherlands of Löning Human Rights and Responsible Business. Together we offer tailored tools and human rights risk management services for leading European companies.

why work with human rights at work?

Extensive “on-the-ground” experience

Ensures your actions are effective at the local level by understanding the local situation, crucial for meaningful implementation.

Specialised skills & competences

Strategic thinking to help prioritise, tailor-made training to acquire the right competences, research and analysis to provide you with the right information. Tailored solutions for your organisation, whether you are a company, NGO or government. Due diligence for a good process aligned with international standards and legislation.

In depth knowledge and understanding

In-depth knowledge and understanding of CSR, human rights guidelines, frameworks or regulations for companies, including the draft CSDDD,  the UN Guiding Principles for business and human rights and the OECD guidelines, and other national regulations, help clients acquire an oversight of what is expected.

Flexible and reliable partner

Human rights are still a sensitive topic for many. Human rights at work works at a confidential level and you will find us a reliable and pragmatic partner.

Extensive network

Today’s enormous worldwide challenges demand working at different levels, nationally and internationally. Our extensive network comprises organisations, partners and specialists in the Netherlands and the rest of the world.

Broad perspective

Good understanding and experience with both NGOs, governments as well as business perspectives of human rights, helps bridge these worlds .