Blogs, publicaties en artikelen

Due Diligence on Child Labour: New Law in The Netherlands

Broad support in parliament On the 7th of February the Dutch parliament approved a new law, the Due Diligence Child Labour. The law was initiated by the Labour Party (PvdA) and after some amendments received broad support in Parliament. Only the Liberal Party (VVD),...

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Words and actions: lessons from Unilever’s supply chain

Five years ago, Oxfam and Unilever agreed to an unusual collaboration. Oxfam conducted a study on labour rights in Unilever’s Vietnam supply chain and operations. Liesbeth Unger asks, why did Unilever do it? How did they perform? And what can other companies seeking...

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Mensenrechten/Kinderrechten en Duurzaam Toerisme

    Op 2 juni vond de jaarlijkse  Groeneveld Conferentie, hét jaarlijkse congres op het gebied van duurzaamheid en MVO in de toeristische sector. Dit jaar was er ook een speciale workshop  over mensenrechten en kinderrechten in toerisme. In samenwerking met...

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EU Conference on Business and Human Rights

11 May 20         Decision makers, politicians, business leaders, NGOs, trade unions, and researchers  met in Amsterdam to discuss ways to advance the implementation of the Business and Human Rights agenda of the European Union.  At the same time,...

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