
Due Diligence on Child Labour; new law in the Netherlands
Due Diligence on Child Labour; new law in the Netherlands Broad support in parliament Last Tuesday (7 of February) the Dutch parliament approved a new law, the Due Diligence Child Labour. The law was initiated by the Labour Party (PvdA) and after some...
Oxfam GB groundbreaking report on labour rights in Unilever’s supply chain
Oxfam GB released a groundbreaking report on labour rights in Unilever’s supply chain. It is groundbreaking not so much because of its content (although as the project’s technical advisor and co-author of the report, I do think we have some fascinating findings to...
Due diligence in practice: how companies in the Netherlands can combat child labour in their supply chains
Is child labour still a problem? First the good news: child labour decreased since the beginning of this century by more than 30%. One hundred and sixty-eight million children are still working as child labourers according to the International Labour Organisation...
Are we building responsible supply chain management on the right blocks? A review.
I was triggered by the article of the Economist Intelligence Unit with the title ‘No more excuses’ Responsible supply chains in a globalized world of 2017(1). This report draws on a survey of 800 executives in major industrial economies around the world,...
How can purchasing practices steer responsible supply chains?
My last blog looked at what managing supply chains in a responsible way means and why companies are doing this, among other based on the article in the Economist with the title ‘No more excuses’ Responsible supply chains in a globalized world. Exploring...
Rise in child labour due to COVID-19
On June 12th we celebrated the International Day against Child Labour. According to the pre-COVID-19 figures, 152 million boys and girls are still trapped in child labour worldwide, with as many as 72 million doing dangerous work. The good news is that we are making...