Due Diligence on Child Labour; new law in the Netherlands

Due Diligence on Child Labour; new law in the Netherlands   Broad support in parliament Last Tuesday (7 of February) the Dutch parliament approved a new law, the Due Diligence Child Labour. The law was initiated by the Labour Party (PvdA) and after some...

A practical training for companies May 18, 2017 Amsterdam

Human Rights Due Diligence & the supply chain – in practice  Human Rights @Work invites you to a hands-on training on the UN Guiding Principle for Business and Human Rights. The training will be organized in cooperation with Enact Sustainable...

Unilever-Oxfam Report

Oxfam independently researched Unilever’s factory and supply chain in Vietnam. It looked at pressing issues such as discrimination, freedom of association, wages and working hours including precarious work. Read and/or download: Unilever-Oxfam_report